Six Days

If the Bible says that God created EVERYTHING in 6 days; I will believe it.

Thinking that evolution is a possibility would be like doubting God’s power and calling Him a liar. If He is saying that He did create everything in six days, I wouldn’t question it for a moment.

Those who refuse to believe in Creation, are falling into an unaccountability game. IF God didn’t create, it means that He isn’t too powerful to do it. It would mean that god didn’t create, that we are here for accident or cosmic experiment. It would mean that there is no purpose for our existence and if god is out there looking he doesn’t care about humanity. that he doesn’t see my thought life, that there is no redemption from sin because there isn’t sin in the first place and even there might not be a god!!

Those people are right, because their “god” doesn’t’ exist! Is just a product of their imagination, they have created a god that they are comfortable with, SO THAT they can keep on sinning and won’t think of an eternal consequence!

The names of God reveal something very interesting:

“ELOHIM” (or Elohay) is the first name for God found in the Bible, and it’s used throughout the Old Testament over 2,300 times. Elohim comes from the Hebrew root meaning “strength” or “power”. Throughout scripture, Elohim is combined with other words to describe certain characteristics of God. A couple of examples are: Elohay Kedem – God of the Beginning: (Deuteronomy 33:27). Elohay Mishpat – God Of Justice: (Isaiah 30:18).

The Bible says that “GOD CREATED” (Genesis 1:1) and that God is a God of Justice “Elohay Mishpat”…

The same way that he is to judge a rapist, he will also see that every liar, every thief and every adulterer won’t go unpunished. Our good actions won’t balance every time that we broke one of the 10 Commandments, and saying “sorry” won’t change the mind of a Judge.

So the main issue is not if you believe in Creation, the main question is if you are justified before God:

God DID create
God WILL judge

If He is going to judge according to the 10 Commandments and we have broken each one of them, then how can we be justified before God?

Find out in this Blog.