
A couple of days ago, I shared the law and the gospel with a lady in a clothing store, while my wife tried a dress on. Our conversation lasted about 5 minutes but the consequences have remained until now. And I pray they will continue for eternity…

This post is a word of encouragement, so that you share the true gospel with people around you, in every and all occasions. Just plant the seed, then pray.

The lovely lady I witnesses to, met somebody else that I know and she told this person about our 5 minutes encounter:

She said that before talking with me, she was very sure that she was gonna go to heaven because she was a good person and because of her good church (Evangelical-Christian) going history.

But that our conversation impacted her so much that she realized she wasn’t as good as she thought and in fact not everybody who thinks will go to heaven, will actually go there. She said, with goosebumps in her arms, that her eyes had been opened to true salvation!

She grasped the true gospel.

She said that she hasn’t stopped thinking about our conversation since then!

She also said that nobody, in her more than 50 years of age, had shared the gospel like that and that Christians should share the same message with others.

Please continue keeping her in your prayers.

Go, share the everlasting gospel with someone today.

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